Spring Cleanse Your Wellbeing
Hi everyone!
It’s been a hot minute since I last posted on my blog! I’ve missed you & I have so many happy things to share with you.
Spring has most definitely sprung, the days are becoming warmer and longer and the 100 deniers have finally been put away for the year! The sun is so beautiful this time of year, welcoming the delicate & vibrant Spring blooms waking from their Winter slumber is so joyful to watch. Our bodies are so in-tune with the rhythm of the seasons, it is sometimes easy to forget this, especially when we have lots going within our lives and when the world can feel like an uncertain place.
Spring, however, presents an opportunity for new beginnings and for us to re-establish this rhythm. By becoming more aware of how Mother Nature moves, we can use this to our advantage and really reap the rewards of taking some time to dance to the same beat. Going, growing & glowing with the flow is something that I intend to do lots of this Spring season and there are lots of ways to ensure that we make the most of this beautiful time:
~ Wake a little earlier than usual. Just 10 extra minutes in the morning to breathe, stretch, enjoy a quiet cup of tea can have a really positive impact on our day as a whole. Sometimes, this is completely impossible, (I have a toddler and some mornings are 100 miles an hour from the second I open my eyes). However, the mornings that I have some time for me, some time to set my purpose & intentions for the day, are the days that I feel more centred & grounded. Life is all about those little moments that you can collect, happy moments of joy that make big days! Take 5 minutes to yourself, whilst you’re putting on your make-up or having your morning cuppa, breathe deeply and repeat some positive mantras. It takes some practice but once you’re in the flow, it works wonders.
~ Elevate your self-talk. Oh yep, this can take time, practice & courage! It works, it makes you feel good and it takes the pressure off! I think that now, more than any other time (that I remember), the pressure we impose upon ourselves can be quite stifling & along with this can (sometimes) come, but not all of the time, a tendency to speak disparagingly about ourselves. Nuh-uh! No way to this, only positive affirmations & reinforcements over here, thank you & you’re welcome! Turn that self-talk upside down, give yourself the same love and respect you show your bestie and honour, accept, appreciate and love every part of you! There is great strength in this and once you get the ball rolling, it’s easier to keep going.
~ Begin an exciting, fresh new hobby to keep your beautiful brain & mind watered. Our brain needs stimulation, it craves to learn and our capacity to absorb new things is quite literally unbelievable. It is thirsty for knowledge and discovering new things and Spring is the perfect time to start something new. The brain loves a challenge, and a conundrum! Interesting fact: the brain uses 20% of our daily energy intake! That’s amazing! Keep it watered, fed & active! What Spring challenge are you setting yourself? Mine is to do 20 minutes of outside exercise 2-3 times per week! I’ll let you know how it goes!
~ Slow down. A walk in Nature noticing it’s beauty, being outside in the sunshine, enjoying time with our friends ~ take it slow and really be in the moment. Winter is a time for rest & storing energy. Spring is a time for using this energy, soaking-up colour, fresh air and for finding our groove! There are so many beautiful outside spaces to enjoy and you can make a sunny day out extra epic with a picnic and a Partner In Wine insulated bottle for all your on-the-go wine requirements! There’s nothing quite like enjoying a crisp wine on a balmy Summer’s day & have you seen the Ice Queen range! Gimme them all! Mwah-ha-ha! They’re definitely on my Spring wish list.
~ Have a spruce-up & de-clutter of your home, workspace or garden. It can be really beneficial for our mental health and overall wellbeing to have a good clear-out every so often & there’s no better time, or inspiration than Spring to get things moving. If you are somewhat of a sentimental hoarder like myself, there can be a sense of reluctance surrounding letting things go. However, it can be a truly cathartic process, one which enables us to invite-in new, fresh and exciting energy into our lives. If you don’t use it, pass it on. One man’s treasure & all that!
~ Sage your home! Oh yes. I absolutely LOVE doing this and it brings such a beautiful and fresh vibrant clarity to my home and my thoughts. Using a sage smudge stick to clear away any old or stagnant energy can lift the spirits and help to unblock old energies that might be holding you back.
It’s a gorgeous way of naturally making your home smell gorgeous too. Alternatively, you can burn your favourite incense or light your favourite candle.
I am currently in love with “Manifesting Dreams” by Moonstone & Sage (which is available in the build-your-own boxes) and I am totally crushing over “Forest Rainstorm” by Wildrace Scents & “Quiet Time” by Olsen Soy. The Floral Sage & Selenite Set is a really popular choice in my store & it’s the perfect way to spruce-up your home this Spring.
~ Treat yourself to a houseplant or a bunch of your favourite flowers. It’s good to show ourselves some self love and you can do this with little gestures that mean the world. Sometimes, it’s the littlest acts of kindness that have the biggest impact. If flowers or plants aren’t your thing, buy a notebook, crystal or something else tangible that has meaning so that when you look at it or use it, you are reminded of how special you are.
~ Swap screen time for me time: Oh yeah, this is easier said than done too (especially if you run many aspects of your business from your iPhone & iPad like I do!). I've actually set a 'screen time' alarm on my phone so I know exactly how much time I'm spending looking at my screen. Some days I go over my allocated time, some days less. I guess it all balances-out in the end & being mindful of this can help to implement and establish new routines. New routines can come in many forms and when designing the Wellbeing Planner, I kept the idea of creating new habits at the heart of it. This featured in the March “Sacred Spaces” box and it’s now available to purchase on its own or as part of the build-your-own gift boxes.
~ Enjoy seasonal ingredients & make your favourite smoothie or juice. With an abundance of fresh berries coming into season, it’s much easier to create fresh smoothies and salads to make you glow. I love a smoothie & recently, I have been elevating/pimping mine with One Earth Organics blends. Their amazingly yummy Coco Gojo Focus blend also featured in the March “Sacred Spaces” Subscription box and it is now available to purchase as part of the build-your-own boxes. It’s a delicious blend of raw cacao, matcha, baobab, beetroot & carob & it really take the humble berry smoothie to the next level whilst fuelling the body with a plethora of micro & macro nutrients.
~ Keep a notebook by your bed for nighttime musings. Does anyone else sometimes wake-up in the middle of the night with ideas swirling around their heads?! I am still breastfeeding & since River was born, I’ve kept a notebook next to me for this very reason! You don’t need to write in it every night before bed, just every now & then if inspiration strikes or if you have some thoughts & feelings you’d like to get off your chest. The very act of writing helps to dissipate gnarly thoughts and can be hugely beneficial for mental wellness. I have just added 2 new A6 spiral-bound notebook designs to the build-your-own shop, they’re magical!
~ Cut yourself some slack! This is something I feel very passionately about and it’s something that, as I am getting older, I am finding easier. It’s tough though, right?! Especially if you are used to giving yourself a bit of a hard time! I think that there’s a fine line between keeping on top of our thoughts & our lives & being too critical. Now that Spring is here, it’s time to glow with the flow, allow yourself to “just be” & to believe in yourself.
It’s been so nice to finally get my words onto paper and I hope that they can give you a boost & some Spring inspo to get things moving in the right direction. I love writing my blog posts, it’s a very personal thing to share your voice and your thoughts and it’s such a lovely way for me to connect directly with you.
Have a beautiful day and see you again soon!
All my love and encouragement,