Monthly Musings: Mindful May
Hi there beautiful ones,
I am sooooo happy to be finally settled in our new home, the May boxes have been shipped & I have some time to put pen to paper! I hope you’ve been well and you’ve been enjoying the longer days and extra sunshine we’ve been treated to ~ the extra hours in the day can present a real opportunity to do some of the things we love and to take some time to rest, restore and reset.
The amazing month of May has arrived and what a beauty it is. I mean, is there anything more stunning than blossom in all its delicate and beautiful hues ~ Mother Nature is so glorious isn’t it.
Did you know that in Japan, “Hanami” is the traditional custom of admiring and enjoying the transient beauty of flowers? To sit beneath a blossoming tree is such a beautiful reminder that all things in life blossom at their own pace and in their own time. We too have our moments of shining in all our splendid glory and times when we need to nurture our roots in order to bloom again.
Being mindful of the ebb and flow of life and how we can move in rhythm with it can be so freeing and can help us to find our groove within our own lives. May is an amazing month for Mindfulness and there are many charities that have dedicated their resources to helping people become more mindful in their everyday lives through mindful practice.
Mindful May also marks Mental Health Awareness Week (9th - 15th May) & World Meditation Day (21st May). The Mental Health Foundation has chosen the theme of ‘Loneliness’ #ivebeenthere this year and there are lots of ways to get involved and to support this amazing foundation. There are also lots of free resources available on their website that you can download and utilise at home.
I think that now, more than ever, our connections with our friends and family are so, so crucial for our collective wellbeing. Smiling at a stranger, calling a friend, having a cuppa with a loved one ~ things that just a short while ago were not possible, we are now finding ways to navigate this new terrain & we should be so proud of ourselves.
With all of this in mind, here are some ways to make Mindfulness practice a part of your routine.
1. Meditate. Just 10 minutes each day can make such a difference. Practice over perfection; don’t be dismayed if it doesn’t click straight away. Clear you mind, settle your thoughts and make space for yourself. Mindful in May is the worlds largest online mindfulness fundraising campaign, the ethos behind which is simple; they provide online education, tools & support to help build a sustainable mediation practice in one month. You can sign-up to receive free tools and support throughout the month of May.
2. Light a candle. There are so many amazing health benefits associated with the ritual of winding-down with your favourite scent burning in the background. Whether you sit & take 10 deep, mindful breaths or if you prefer to have a cuppa whilst reading a couple of chapters of your favourite book; filling your space with something relaxing can help you to get in the zone! If you prefer to burn incense, there are some really gorgeous & relaxing ones out there with notes of neroli & lavender to relax the mind, body & soul. I’ll soon be launching my very own, handmade incense holders ~ they’re so pretty.
3. Mindful colouring. This can be such a beautiful way to unwind and to calm the mind ~ making some time and space within your day to sit and colour can be hugely beneficial. Switch-off from social media, pop your candle on, get cosy and grab your mindful mandala! I am delighted to say that the Mindful Mandala Workshop @ Nelly’s is almost sold out! I’ve created a beautiful evening of mindful creativity, fresh yummy juices & a NourishMe Wellness Box full of goodies to take home! You can see all of the details here ~ come and join the fun and meet a beautiful bunch of people. When you sign-up to my mailing list, you’ll receive a free monthly printable and this month, you’ll revive a Mandala designed by me! Just pop your details at the bottom of my website for your gorgeous dose of inbox sunshine!
4. Journaling. Keeping a journal of our feelings, our achievements and our dreams can be so powerful. The act of putting pen to paper is extremely cathartic and it can help to reduce stress and enable us to gain a sense of calm & direction in our lives. I’ve designed a range of notebooks for all of your notes & dreams as well as a Wellbeing Planner & a Moon Magic Self Care Planner ~ perfect for harnessing the power of the Moon and all its creative energy. Shop Build-Your-Own & Individuals to see the full range.
5. Keep Amethyst, Selenite & Amazonite close by. These gorgeous crystals all help to clear the mind, create a sense of calm and help to alleviate stress allowing you to be more present and at peace with yourself. Keep them inside a little cotton bag if possible (synthetic ones can be abrasive), and pop them under your pillow, keep them in your purse or place them around your home or workspace to remind you throughout the day that tranquility and feeling grounded are only a breath away.
There are lots of things that we can implement each day or every few days to become more mindful. Not everything works for everybody so it’s important to remember that you have to do what works for you. The pressures of modern life can sometimes make our free time quite limited but as with most things, it’s all the little steps we take that amount to big strides Be gentle with yourself & do what fits-in with your life ~ there’s no magic formula; just a few simple practices that can create magic.
Wishing you all a beautiful, mindful and happy May.
All my love and encouragement,
Holly xxx