Show Yourself Some Of That Self Love
Self love rocks! There’s no doubt it & there are many ways that you can show yourself some love this Valentine’s (month) & beyond! I believe that every day should be a self love day and the little self love steps you take in this moment will ripple through to shape your future self so keep your self-talk positive and repeat your favourite self love mantra each day to really give yourself a boost.
You might not see it now; the day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. So be patient with yourself, take the next step that feels right for you and listen to your inner voice that is guiding you.
With it (soon) being the official month of love, February presents the perfect opportunity to make some time for yourself, for appreciating you & for putting into practice some things that will encourage you to first love yourself! You can’t pour from an empty cup & when you begin to show yourself some of that self love, it will most definitely make a difference!
They don’t need to be huge things, either. You can show yourself love, appreciation and respect by taking the smallest of steps or by introducing something new to your self care routine. They also don’t have to be expensive ~ a lot of what I am going to suggest can be done with zero budget (as most of it is all about trusting your intuition & establishing fresh & new habits into your daily routine) that will, over time, create great and magnificent changes within your life.
Here are my favourite things to do that will seriously gift you all the self love vibes:
• Morning Affirmations: Yes people, this works! I’ve been doing it for a while & it sets me up for the day, it wakes-up my brain first thing in the morning & it injects a huge dollop of confidence-boosting vibes to make my morning flow. I urge you to, instead of first reaching for your phone, grab your notebook and write down 5 positive mantras/self love affirmations. I know that it can sometimes be tricky to physically write things down in the morning so if you have 5 mantras in-mind, simply repeat them in your head & if you’re stuck - here are some to get you going! Change them each Sunday night ready for the week; this is a great habit to persist with:
• I am grateful for this day & the happiness it is going to bring.
• I have the tools within me to make healthy decisions about my life.
• I am bold, brave, capable & strong.
• I am worthy, beautiful & wise.
• I am loved.
• Move your body: This seems like quite a simple step yet it can have far-reaching health benefits & is a beautiful way to show your mind, body & soul (combined) some self love. At the weekend, we were all wide awake by 5.30am (what??), and for a while now, I’ve wanted to get to the beach to watch the sunrise, so in a moment of spontaneity, we got dressed really quickly and drove to the seafront to do just that. It was windy, but we we’re wrapped-up like burritos & it was just the best way to begin the day. River was sooo excited and we stopped for a lovely hot chocolate which felt really well-deserved. Getting outside for maybe 10 minutes each day to stretch your body, to get your blood flowing & to marvel at Mother Nature is beautiful way to honour your body, the house in which you live & it works wonders for the mind, too!
• Have a pamper night: Pop-on your pjs, get your cosy socks out & light your favourite candle. It’s not indulgent to take some time to nurture your wellbeing & it can be a really lovely way to show yourself some self love! You deserve the love & attention that you have no question about sharing with others, so direct that energy inwards and fill your heart with all of those lovely warming, self love vibes. Your happiness and the joy you find in each day is of absolute paramount importance & your future you is already proud! Why not treat yourself to a pampering eye or face mask? I have some gorgeous mini boxes in the shop at the moment.
• Set some intentions: The best way to create the future of your dreams is to take considered, incremental steps towards making them happen. Forecast, visualise, manifest, make notes, create a vision board; whatever you feel suits you best, do that! I am a bit of a stationery freak/geek/enthusiast (all of the above), & I have always made lots of notes & lists to map things out. A good brain-dump is so necessary sometimes and it can work wonders for clarifying your thoughts and establishing a plan of action. I am holding my very first Vision Board & Setting Intentions workshop this February ~ it’s going to be amazing & it’ll be a gorgeous space for you to begin your manifesting journey (& there’s a gorgeous NourishMe box to take home). There are also lots of online tools you can use to create a vision board (top tip); take a careen shot of it & save it as your phone wallpaper.
• Start something new. A fresh & shiny New Year can be the perfect time to begin something you’ve never tried before (but have always wanted to). You don’t necessarily need to make resolutions as such, but it can be a good idea to have some goals in-mind to work towards. This can focus your mind & keep you going in the right direction. Expanding your mind, your heart & your horizons is super-duper beneficial for mental health and flexing your brain muscle is just the remedy if you’re feeling a bit sluggish or if you want to inject some excitement into your life.
2023 is the year for NourishMe Wellness Box to expand. At the beginning of 2022, we were moving home & although it was an amazing new start for Shaun, River & I, there was only so much I could do in terms of moving my business onwards & upwards. Now that we are settled & my work space is functional, I have some really exciting things on the horizon. Sign-up to my newsletter to keep abreast of all the bts action plus exclusive offers and first look at up-coming boxes. Just scroll to the bottom of my website & pop-in your deets!
Also! I have to mention the launch of the Soul Sister boxes on Friday 20th Jan ~ last year, they sold out in an hour! Check my Socials for info!
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to each and every person that has supported (and continues to support) my business, it means the world to me.
All my love & encouragement,
Holly xxx